The world is changing fast, so does the way we work. For many jobs, there is no longer a hard requirement to be in the office. Technology enables us to connect with one another seamlessly using email, chats, phone or video conferencing. The world is a connected place. Provided you are in an area with a good internet connection or cell phone signal, you can get things done. This post explores benefits of remote work and offers tips on how to work remotely.

Remote work, work and travel, distance work

Benefits of remote work

The concept of remote work is trending up for all the obvious reasons. Here are the key benefits from my point of view:

  • Allows to create a working environment that is right for you
  • Provides more flexibility and control over one’s schedule
  • Eliminates downtime of lengthy commutes
  • Saves time on random chitchats with colleagues
  • Makes it easier to balance work and life
  • Gives you freedom to organize your work/life the way you want

What is most exciting for us about working remotely is a chance to infuse immersive travel into your life. Depending on your work arrangement (fully remote vs. partially remote), you can explore a new city, a new country or a completely new region of the world. For example, adding a few days to an upcoming business trip gives you an opportunity to better explore a city you are visiting. Adding a few work-remote weeks to your summer vacation gives you a chance to live like a local in a new area and build a much deeper connection to the place.

In my role as a Director at a large global management consulting company, I travel extensively for work and can work remotely. When my work takes me to new, interesting places, I try to add a few days to the trip to explore the area.  During summers, when kids are out of school, we travel extensively as a family around the world while working remotely. The freedom of remote work is by far the biggest benefit in my current role.

If you decide to go remote …

If you can go remote – at least partially – do it. The benefits are definitely great. Just remember, that with freedom comes responsibility. You need to learn how to effectively combine work and travel while continuing to be in a good standing at work. Here are a few tips on working remotely:

Tip #1: Manage your work.

Working remotely requires self-discipline and can be hard at first. Working remotely does not mean downshifting. As long as you are in the same role, the scope of responsibilities and the expectations are the same. It is extremely important to manage your work output with the same rigor and quality as you do when you are working from the office. If anything, you need to up your game. Working remotely is a privilege. It is a sign of trust by your employer. Make sure you maintain high work quality. This will help reinforce trust and bring long-lasting benefits to your career.

Tip #2: Manage expectations

Even if you are working from an island, it is important to remember that you are not an island. Working from a different time zone can throw your schedule off and affect the overall process. While working remotely, be upfront about your availability, communicate proactively and manage expectations.

Work and travel
Working remotely offers many benefits
Tip #3: Manage your time

Working remote can put pressure on your schedule. You can find that work commitments are suddenly at odds with travel opportunities. It is very important to plan your work and stick to the schedule. This requires strong time management skills. Create a detailed schedule for the week or a month (whatever the time period is) and stay focused. If you cannot concentrate on the beach under a palm, stay inside until you finish the work. It takes a little bit of practice to master your work-remote style, but it is well worth it.

Tip #4: Manage visibility

As the old saying goes “out of sight, out of mind”. Try not to fall victim to reduced visibility of remote work. Proactively manage it. Stay on top of your emails. Establish quick response time. Schedule regular check ins with your manager. Use video where possible to increase your presence. Finally, flex. Time zones cannot become impediment to the normal work process. Relax your workday constraints and join call outside of your normal hours. It is a small price to pay for doing fun things during the rest of the time.

Tip #5: Manage work relationships

If working remotely is on your agenda, invest in building relationships with you line manager, your team and other key people in the organization early on. Typically in large organizations you get much more leeway if you have strong relationships all around. Build deep personal connections. The better people know you, the more freedom you will have to organize your work the way you want. So if you aim for remote, stay away from switching roles often.

In summary, we believe remote work opens amazing possibilities for creating more exciting lifestyle full of travel and new experiences. What is the biggest benefit of remote work for you?