Travel, Experience, Learn

Tag: Remote work

Tips for remote work

The world is changing fast, so does the way we work. For many jobs, there is no longer a hard requirement to be in the office. Technology enables us to connect with one another seamlessly using email, chats, phone or video conferencing. The world is a connected place. Provided you are in an area with a good internet connection or cell phone signal, you can get things done. This post explores benefits of remote work and offers tips on how to work remotely.

Remote work, work and travel, distance work
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What is your next adventure?

Adventure travel, immersive travel, remote work

Travel adventures quench thirst for curiosity and new emotions. Humans have always sought travel adventures. It is in the human nature to seek new experiences and discover new places. This has not changed since the beginning of time.

However, what has changed dramatically is our ability to travel. A hundred years ago a journey from London to Australia would take you a month. Today, within 24 hours, you can get to almost any place on the planet. Before travel was a privilege of the few. Today anyone can travel.

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