Natural parks and reserves are amazing places where you can have deep encounters with nature and wildlife. This post provides useful tips on how to prepare for a natural park visit.

This story and pictures are contributed by Francisco J Erize, Argentine naturalist, wildlife photographer and conservationist

August morning, 1969, Nairobi National Park, Kenya. For a good while I have been driving my small rented car along one of the less trodden trails when I got to the junction with one of the major ones. A tourist anxiously inquires: “Have you seen anything interesting?” The question gives me an opportunity to express my enthusiasm: “Yes I came across a good herd of Eland antelopes, a group of three splendid males of Grant Gazelle and…” I was cut short by a “Well… I guess we are only interested in lions; have you seen any lions?” Saddened, I realize how much they must be loosing out in their safari.

Tips for visiting national parks
Splendid group of Grant Gazelles, ignored by only-lion-seeking tourists

Tips on preparing for a natural park visit

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