Travel, Experience, Learn

Tag: Immersive travel

How to prepare for a natural park visit

Natural parks and reserves are amazing places where you can have deep encounters with nature and wildlife. This post provides useful tips on how to prepare for a natural park visit.

This story and pictures are contributed by Francisco J Erize, Argentine naturalist, wildlife photographer and conservationist

August morning, 1969, Nairobi National Park, Kenya. For a good while I have been driving my small rented car along one of the less trodden trails when I got to the junction with one of the major ones. A tourist anxiously inquires: “Have you seen anything interesting?” The question gives me an opportunity to express my enthusiasm: “Yes I came across a good herd of Eland antelopes, a group of three splendid males of Grant Gazelle and…” I was cut short by a “Well… I guess we are only interested in lions; have you seen any lions?” Saddened, I realize how much they must be loosing out in their safari.

Tips for visiting national parks
Splendid group of Grant Gazelles, ignored by only-lion-seeking tourists

Tips on preparing for a natural park visit

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What is your next adventure?

Adventure travel, immersive travel, remote work

Travel adventures quench thirst for curiosity and new emotions. Humans have always sought travel adventures. It is in the human nature to seek new experiences and discover new places. This has not changed since the beginning of time.

However, what has changed dramatically is our ability to travel. A hundred years ago a journey from London to Australia would take you a month. Today, within 24 hours, you can get to almost any place on the planet. Before travel was a privilege of the few. Today anyone can travel.

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